Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Tito Awards - April 27th

In French class, we had the Tito Awards.

What the Tito Awards are:
The Tito Awards are awards given out to people for their performances in the play “Louis la Grenouille.”

The Process:
Each student received a popsicle stick with another student’s name on it. They then came up with something unique that they appreciated or something that the person did well on in the play. They also created awards or certificates they would present to them during the Tito Awards Ceremonies. People gave short speeches telling why they were awarding them with that award. The recipient of the award or certificate then gave a little acceptance speech.

Where the “Tito Awards” originated:

The Tito Awards started after the French play “Louis la Grenouille.” Tito is the French class’ pet snake and so the award ceremonies were named in honour of Tito the snake.

By K & G

Friday, April 23, 2010

Louis La Grenouille - April 23/10

This week we performed our well-practised French play “Louis La Grenouille.” The leading role is Louis La Grenouille. The other roles are La Ballerine (Ballerina), Le GeniĆ© (Genie), La Chanteuse d’Opera (Opera Singer), La Fille Grenouille (Girl Frog), et Le Narrateur (Narrator).

Here’s a brief summary of the storyline:
Louis is all alone. He plays electric guitar and sings rock music. He finds a lamp floating in his pond and he picks it up and to his surprise a genie pops out of the lamp. The genie agrees to grant Louis a wish to find a friend so he is not alone. Louis encounters a ballerina who rejects him and his music. He keeps walking and he hears an opera singer who also rejects his music. Louis is really frustrated and hopes that he will find someone who likes HIS music. Guess what – he finds a girl frog who likes rock music and likes him. They fall in love as they skip off into the sunset!

Overall, it was very successful. We learned new and more difficult French vocabulary and had lots of fun in the process!

-By M’n’M

Friday, April 16, 2010

Jump Rope 4 Heart - Friday, April 16th

Jump Rope 4 Heart – Friday, April 16th

Room 17 ran the stations for the morning session of Jump Rope for Heart this year. These are the nine stations that were there: Helicopters, Elastic Fantastic, Individual Challenge, School, Lemon Twist, Banana Doubles, Long Rope, Crossovers, Single Skipping.

Here is a description of each station:

Helicopters: One person stands in the middle, with everyone else in a circle around them. They take a long rope and whirls it around close to the ground while the people in the circle try to jump over it. If the rope hits you, you trade places with the person in the middle.

Elastic Fantastic: This station includes limbo, high jump, and Chinese skipping. Limbo is where two people hold a rope and one person at a time everybody tries to go under without touching the rope. Each turn, the rope goes lower and lower. High jump is where you try to jump over the rope without touching it and instead of going down the rope goes higher and higher. Chinese skipping is where two people hold two ropes, both holding an end of each, and a person tries to jump over in a pattern. Each time you do the pattern correctly without touching, the two people raise the ropes.

Individual Challenge: At this station, people can challenge themselves by doing tricks, skipping faster or skipping longer.

School: School is where you go through “school” by skipping. Two people turn a long rope and one of the students will try to run through to pass “kindergarten”. To pass grade one, you must run in and skip once and get out. Grade two, you run in and skip twice and then run out, and so on and so on.

Lemon Twist: The students skip with a “skippit” or “lemon twist”.

Banana Doubles: This is where two people share a rope and do all sorts of cool activities.

Long Rope: This is similar to the set-up for school, but instead of doing the “school” rhyme, people do all sorts of different kinds of skipping.

Crossovers: Students cross their arms over and jump/skip.

Single Skipping: At this station, people just jump/skip on their own.

They were all lots of fun, but the favorite station by far was the freezies station. Everybody got to choose a half of a jumbo freezie and relax for a station rotation (7-10 minutes). We’d like to thank the room 21-ers that were leaders of the groups or helped man the stations.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Les Bucherons

We were priveleged to have Les Bucherons visit our school. They’re teaching the CSC grade fives and sixes square dance. We believe they are teaching the grade three and fours to line dance. Kindergartens, grade ones and grade twos are learning a circle dance. Les Bucherons teach French culture dances to elementary students and then help them perfect and perform it for people to see on an evening later in the week. One of the more complicated or interesting moves is called the grand chain. You grab your partner’s right hand first, then you swing past their right shoulder grabbing the next persons left hand and swinging by their left shoulder, and so on until you get back to your original spot (called “home”). Sides 1 and 3 are called “heads” and sides 2 and 4 are called “sides”. Another cool segment was when we did “stars” and “star promenades”. “Stars” are when either the heads or sides step in (4 people in total) and put their hands in the middle and circle (or “star”) in the opposite direction of the hand that’s in the middle. “Star promenade” is where the boys go in and do the star and then their partners elbow link-up with them and they “promenade” or walk once around until they are “home”.

By: R’n’A