Friday, April 23, 2010

Louis La Grenouille - April 23/10

This week we performed our well-practised French play “Louis La Grenouille.” The leading role is Louis La Grenouille. The other roles are La Ballerine (Ballerina), Le Genié (Genie), La Chanteuse d’Opera (Opera Singer), La Fille Grenouille (Girl Frog), et Le Narrateur (Narrator).

Here’s a brief summary of the storyline:
Louis is all alone. He plays electric guitar and sings rock music. He finds a lamp floating in his pond and he picks it up and to his surprise a genie pops out of the lamp. The genie agrees to grant Louis a wish to find a friend so he is not alone. Louis encounters a ballerina who rejects him and his music. He keeps walking and he hears an opera singer who also rejects his music. Louis is really frustrated and hopes that he will find someone who likes HIS music. Guess what – he finds a girl frog who likes rock music and likes him. They fall in love as they skip off into the sunset!

Overall, it was very successful. We learned new and more difficult French vocabulary and had lots of fun in the process!

-By M’n’M

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