Monday, March 22, 2010

Alien In-Line

We played several games, two of which were skittles and dodge ball. The kind of gear you need while in-line skating is a helmet, shoulder pads, knee pads, and wrist guards.

The teacher was a guy named Kenny. At the gym, we learned how to skate and brake and then had some free time to play tag. From January 21-28 (Thursday to Thursday) Kenny taught us how to in-line skate. The first day, he introduced himself and taught us how to put on the gear. Some people were fast at putting on their gear, so they got to do free-skating around half of the gym until the rest of us got the gear on. Once everybody’s gear was on, we could use the whole gym.

On the 6th day, we got to play dodge ball and skittles; I think most of us liked it.
I think that braking and turning at high speeds is hard. We also played dynamite, handball and king court. We did not do too well at these games, as it was not easy because we were on skates.

By C & C

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