Wednesday, March 17, 2010

City Hall Mock Meeting

Our class went to city hall and held a mock council. We all had an important role that we participated in. Our class voted on a mayor who we called Mr. Mayor. Two people were "special interest groups"; one was arguing for the EXPO and the other was arguing against. One person was the city clerk and, last but not least, the rest of the students were councilors.

We all learned how to deal with an important role in life. In that hour we also learned how to reach for goals that may seem impossible, but also how to tell ourselves that we can do it anyway. We altogether saw that we can use democracy, even in just a small place such as our classroom, just like how we had to vote on our class pet’s name. Some situations in life may come up where we have to remember our knowledge of democracy; we might even have to use it.

Our whole class enjoyed being able to use the microphones to talk to the rest of the council members. Our tour guide notified us that they have a great microphone system so we wouldn’t yell or speak loud into the microphone. We also got a tour of the building and our class was able to go into the room where the City Council has their meetings. There was a dome on the roof that the tour guide was able to close for us, but it was too bad that it only lasted a few seconds(30 seconds); we all wish it lasted longer.

"The Mayor" and our teacher got to go into the mayor’s secretary's office and sign the guest comment book. Some other people in the class also wanted to, but they weren’t allowed to. The book was big and red and it sort of looked like an old time book.

The EXPO lost because "a nearby house-owner" convinced the councilors to vote for not having the EXPO in 2017, because of the land it would use and the pollution it would cause. The over-all experience was great!
By, M & C

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